Ways to get your EX back

Break up is never and will never be easy but it will always be painful especially if it was not your idea. If you think you made the wrong decision, you can always try and win them back. Here are some tips on how.:-

a) Stop and think about it

Before you decide to go back to your ex, stop and think of what led to the break up. Don’t compromise hurtful deeds but rather go back when you know it was a misunderstanding that could be corrected in an amicable way. Don’t show them you are desperate rather let them know you want them and not need them.

b) Reach out

Try as much as you can to reach out to them in a manner that won’t annoy them. Show them you are there for them when they need you and you will offer them a shoulder to lean on.

c) Ask them out for coffee

Once in a while you can invite them over to have coffee with you while you chat don’t show them you are doing that to get to them but rather to talk and keep in touch. Also take watch of the words you use and try to make them smile as much as possible during the coffee date. This will get them thinking of the wonderful dates you went to together.

d) Remember special dates

Always remember the special dates you shared together e.g. birthdays or anniversaries. Share those dates with them and make them feel you still care and value what you shared together.

e) Don’t smoother

Don’t be the one to smooth at all times rather take it slow. Let nature take its cause and don’t force things to happen. No man can change destiny rather you can live it in a better way. So allow events to unfold in their own way.

f) Respect other relationships

If your ex is in another relationship you need to respect boundaries. Do not show them how bad their new partners are or how better you were but rather just be good to them and wish them the best while constantly checking up on them to know how they are doing in the new relationship. Showing you care may win them back.


Mollie E


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